CRO or SEO? How can I make my website work harder for me?

CRO or SEO? How can I make my website work harder for me?

CRO vs SEOHow much do you know about CRO and SEO?

It’s frustrating to know that people are visiting your website but they’re not actually becoming customers.

Getting the most out of your website is critical for any business today – especially any business that wants to grow.

We all know about SEO – search engine optimisation – but how many of us have heard of CRO – conversion rate optimisation?

While SEO helps bring the pages of your website closer to the top in search engines like Google and drive more visitors to your website, CRO improves your website so it actually benefits your business by converting more of those visitors into customers. Sales optimisation is another term for CRO, where you give your customers what they need and THAT benefits your business.

How does it work? Unlike SEO, CRO focuses on the visitor experience. It optimises the customer journey to make it easier, allowing them to find what they’re looking for quickly and confidently.

A site design can often be overly complicated or too minimalist. Both of these cause problems for customers who are time-poor or are looking to compare products and quickly as possible.  Conversion Rate Optimisation is all about reducing the noise and putting the visitor in control.

With sales optimisation, product selection, comparison, shopping basket, registration and login processes are easier for your customer. In essence, sales optimisation makes the whole experience of buying from you a pleasure.

Find out more about Sales optimisation here or call us on 01438 940548

Top 5 Website Optimisation Tips

Top 5 Website Optimisation Tips

Gone are the days when just having a basic business website was enough to tick the box on the marketing to-do checklist. Visitors and customers are increasingly expecting greater things from their online experience; they want to find content and resources that help them make choices, they want to buy or amend things 24/7 and be able to manage their relationship with you when it suits them (not you). By optimising your website around the customer you can drastically improve how visitors interact and drive up revenue or cost savings.  Read on for our top 5 website optimisation tips…. (more…)

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Conversion Rate Optimisation

What is Conversion Rate Optimisation?

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO)  is a term used to describe the continual improvement of your website, and aims to drive more visitors into buying customers or to whatever your business goals are. Ok, so what’s “Sales Optimisation”?

The term ‘sales optimisation’ is often used in the same way as ‘conversion rate optimisation’ (‘CRO’), or ‘sales conversion rate optimisation’.  Essentially they’re all the same thing.  What they’re not is Search Engine Optimisation or SEO – but more about that later…

Although we talk about ‘Sales’ optimisation, in essence we’re including all forms of user experience improvements that allow your visitors to achieve their goals as well as yours. (more…)